Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Jacket Instructions Edited

Pictures here - more to come. This picture shows the shoulder seam. To the right is the collar, edges unfinished.

I found a dearth of Stippled Jacket instructions on the web, so I wrote my own. If you want to go directly to the instructions, such as they are, please scroll down.

My work in the past couple of days has been aimed at finishing the reversible stippled jacket. I have edited the instructions a bit, based on my experiences. Not being a quilter, I do not put a lot of faith in my ability to create, measure and decide upon optimum bindings. My bindings look ok to me, but I am sure others would be much more scientific.

There was an error previously in the width suggested for the edge bindings. Sorry about that.

I welcome suggestions for making these instructions comprehensive and doable for anyone interested.

I like the jacket better than I did a few days ago. It's still stiff, so I hope that fabric softener will lighten it up a bit.

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